March 14, 2009

God I hate working...

Once I get to Oregon, I'm never coming back to California. I can't really say never, but I'm going to try really hard not to! Nothing will keep me in the horrible place that I no longer like. I would love to go thrifting right about now, but I'm trying not to spend any of my money as I really need that DSLR. New silver ankle tie flats from Forever 21 that I'm just loving right about now and I want a new cardigan. 3 more months of complete and utter hell and 4 1/2 until I'm packing my bags. He doesn't realize the reality of the situation, but I give him 2 more months before it smacks him in the face. It seems like the only worry is that Xbox 360 that will get him no where in life. Film photography is my love and always will be, I'm going to buy a Holga 120 one day and then I will be satisfied. Although I might just buy that fisheye lens and DSLR first. Reading, reading, reading is all I want to do; but only in peace, solitude, and silence. Sometimes I think to myself, is this even a relationship anymore? It seems like everyday is a fight or I just get plain sick of him and wish I was alone...oh well. I'm broke, depressed, and excited all at the same time. Portland, baby, you're only a few months away!

Sometimes I just like to sit in quiet places alone and think! Today is one of those days...

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My name is Jazmyn Alexandria and I'm 17 years old.
I'm tired of this daily routine!
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