March 2, 2009

So my mom came home from work and had a box full of Girl Scout cookies! I love these two, so I grabbed them and hid them in my closet.

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot lately and I came to a conclusion. I can't remember my dreams anymore...I remember long ago I used to be able to remember dreams so well, now I barely ever remember my dreams. I wish I could remember my dreams just to say, oh that was the best dream I've ever had or incorporate it into my art work. That would be nice! :)

Oh and I've decided to start spoiling Toki (my dwarf hamster)! I would spoil Peaches, but she decided that anything I buy her she will destroy. With that being said I guess I'll just spoil Toki. I think I might even breed him later on in the future; like next year or something. It depends where I'm living and if pets are allowed.

I feel like reading, but all my books are at my dad's house. Shame what a shame!

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